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How Do I Get SEREngines to Stop Flagging SER for an Update?

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas

SEREngines keeps making SER indicate update available and when I click, it says is updating, but it keeps doing that same engine, now more than a  few times.

I think today Update Available green button was lit three times and this happened all three times! lol


  • SvenSven
    it's because it is updated all the time Im afraid.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    If it isn't an error, then it's fine. :)
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    Sven, I read just now in the SERlib thread that new engines were added. I saw an Update message, and did update.

    I just wanted to let you know that no matter which engine is being added, even if it's in SERlib, on my side it always says
    SEREngines added,
    and not the engines that the SERlib changelog indicates, or for the correct service.
  • SvenSven
    I see what the problem is now...serlib and serengines use the same name for there overwriting the other. so maybe just disable serengines for now as it is kind of discontinued anyway.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    OK, Sven. I just deleted the API key for SERengines. I don't know if that is sufficient to disable. Thank you for the help~! :)
  • SvenSven
    yes that should be it.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • JayJayJayJayJayJay Malaysia
    edited June 2023
    Hey Deeeeeeee, how does serengine work for you? I read some bad reviews about them but they're all from a year or more ago. Are they better now? Did I read it right? Sven said that they're "kind of discontinued", not a good sign eh? 
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    JayJayJay said:
    Hey Deeeeeeee, how does serengine work for you? I read some bad reviews about them but they're all from a year or more ago. Are they better now? Did I read it right? Sven said that they're "kind of discontinued", not a good sign eh? 
    I just cancelled them. Last time I tested, not long ago, SERengines wasn't working for me. Maybe it was me? In any case, I just cancelled. Probably should have a log time ago.

    With all this SEO, you have to test. Not every option works. Not every list is good. I am getting this now. If you're lazy and "set-n-forget," you're not going too far.

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