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Is %original_anchor_text% an actual Macro?

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited June 2023 in Need Help
I am using %original_anchor_text% in my content for GSA SER, because I had thought it refers to the anchor text SER picked out of the available pool that are within the various checked  (LSI, etc.) sections for a project.

At this point, I'm not sure where I even found that! I can't recall...

In any case, I am not sure that this is a valid macro, as it is not in the macro section in the GSA guides.

%original_targeturl%, %original_targethost%, %original_targetpath%, %original_targetparameters%

These all exist!! ⬆️ ⬆️  But there's not %original_anchor_text%!!

What SHOULD I be using, if this does not exist? Just %anchor_text% as best practice in most cases?

Also...what is the difference between %original_anchor_text%, if it even exists, and %anchor_text%? I understand that this may be a hidden feature!! I hope so...else I have to go back and fix a lot. :confounded:

Thank you!


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