use lists or import lists without searching for matching engines
Somehow, a way to use a target list for one specific engine without searching for matching engines.
This would be very very useful for those of us using lists instead of the search feature. I myself compile my lists and then feed SER with them.
This would be only possible when selecting 1 single engine (if only 1 engine is selected and no search engine is selected, one checkbox that would read as "Ignore Engine Matching" or something like that), or specifying the engine when importing the target urls (something like a "Import Target URLs for a Specific Engine" that would ignore the "url must have" and "page must have"). More difficult would be to use it with more than 1 engine, then each should have a feeding list somehow.
Right now it's actually possible to test by selecting only 1 engine, modify the ini and remove the "must have" lines, then feed it with with a list.
Sorry but I don't see any use in this. The identification on what engine it is is not taking much time if any at all. Even though you can do that already if you improt URLs like this... name