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Open AI error

verydimaverydima Kiyv
edited March 2023 in Bugs
Sven, hello. Thanks for adding openai.
I have error
Preview show the same
I also wanted to ask. Can't you make it so that you can specify "Generate 100 articles per day maximum" and the program itself generates and adds to the list of articles.


  • SvenSven
    That is a macro which will generate a proper title when submitting.
    You can specify the amount of article to create in the dialog.
  • Sven said:
    That is a macro which will generate a proper title when submitting.
    You can specify the amount of article to create in the dialog.
    Ok, thanks. 
    I can specify 100 articles and its generate 100 articles. But tomorrow I need to edit and manual generate more 100 articles :smile:
  • SvenSven
    so? Click that button and generate 100 more!?
  • Sven said:
    That is a macro which will generate a proper title when submitting.
    You can specify the amount of article to create in the dialog.

    Where is the logic?
    Why u complicate things?
    Why u don't you look for simple ways?

    I make a prompt that generates a title on the first line.
    Why not use it as an article title, just like when you add text from a file in a folder?

    Your  %generate_title% titls look boring and ugly, let AI do the title for you.

    Add keyword based article generation from the core setting and the option to specify a title on the first line.

    Make the world a simpler

    Thank you
  • SvenSven
    Could you please slow down? That %generate_title% macro is added if there was no meaningful title returned by OpenAI.
    Im of course willing to optimise things, but on on a basis like this.
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