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Submission Content Macro Question

If I have the scraping option "Add Cities / States to the Keyword" selected, and I then use the %keyword% macro in my submission content this will result in something like:

Hi, I was searching for Plumbers and I noticed your Plumbers website in Google.

Is there another macro I can use to pull in the keyword with the correct City added to it, in addition to using the normal %keyword% macro? So my submission content would be:

Hi, I was searching for Plumbers in New York and I noticed your Plumbers website in Google.


  • SvenSven
    when using the option to add cities to your keyword, it becomes automatically "plumbers new york". And then you can as well remove the second keyword reference and name it "your website %domain% in google".
  • Thanks Sven, decided to use CSV for more granular control, that way I can make my emails read more naturally and achieve better personalization. This info will be very useful to know if I need to use the built in scraper though. 
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