Anyone have any Python experience?
Has anyone got any Python coding experience?
I'm looking for some help in integrating some Recaptcha / HCaptcha code into GSA CB
I'm looking for some help in integrating some Recaptcha / HCaptcha code into GSA CB
What are you trying to do exactly?
Integrate one of a number of active Github projects (all written in Python) to give CB the ability to solve Recaptchas. I guess it would need to imitate Xevil if running on the same server as SER but maybe there's a better way.
Ah yeah that would be outside my limited Python knowledge. I do hope you can find someone, CB solving Recaptcha would be awesome.
I've tested the examples and Recaptchas appear to be solved in seconds which is great. Just need to understand the parameters, change some code in the correct format and somehow get CB to use it lol