%spinfile-C:\Users\rasta\Documents\gsa\_names\ph\ph-names-about-%random-0-38%.txt% C:\Users\rasta\Documents\gsa\_names\ph\ph-names-about-%random-0-38%.txt
random-0-38%.txt% C:\Users\rasta\Documents\gsa\_names\ph\ph-names-about-31.txt
%random-0-38% found in the pop-up macros. nice
I'm trying to extract a line from a group of text. example-
These two test lines produce the following output using the project test -
As you can see, the %spinfile line isn't working, in extracting the random line content
but the filename line is working in pulling a random file.
Thoughts on getting this to work for me, @Sven
thanks so much, @Sven