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GSA SER and ArticleForge

hey @Sven,

can you share the flow of how GSA SER calls the ArticleForge & WordAI APIs?
which endpoints, what order?

I want to write a mock for both based to use a propietary algorithm.



  • SvenSven
    you want to write what?
  • I created my own article generator. I want gsa use it instead of article forge. I plan my system to expose the same api as article forge and set the hosts file to redirect calls to article forge to my system instead.

    It will be a lot easier for me if I could know how gsa is using the article forge api. Which endpoints it use.

    Hope this is not a much trouble. 

  • SvenSven
    So basically you want me to help you building a competitor to GSA Content Generator in giving you my code!? Sorry, thats not really a good idea.
  • no no. this is private for personal use. not for selling. i'm not in this business at all :)

    just thought it would be easier to get the info from you rather then debug the calls.

    I'm sorry you see this in that way. if this was the case i promise i would be honest enough to tell you this up front. 

    nevermind... I'll debug this myself. 

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