Log messages
What is the meaning of the various log messages we get while projects are running?
Some are surely self explanatory but ithers are less easy to understand.
As an example:
21:25:17: [ ] 2/13414 Search threads started
21:25:17: [ ] 000/002 [END] URLs for google AL "My text and....
21:25:18: [ ] 000/000 [END] URLs for MSN KE "My text and fil....
21:25:24: [ ] 1/13304 Search threads started
What does it mean? Is it normal?
21:25:17: [ ] 2/13414 Search threads started
means the program just started 2 search threads and has still 13414 in cache to start later on
21:25:17: [ ] 000/002 [END] URLs for google AL "My text and....
means it found 2 results with google al but 0 of them are new to the project. [END] means that there is no further page to parse
21:25:18: [ ] 000/000 [END] URLs for MSN KE "My text and fil....
means 0 results found with msn ke