Post maximum 5 articles ... Solved

Hi @Sven
I have a problem to publish my articles on my site.
After 5 or 6 articles, the program does not publish anything since
- I reinstalled my PC from scratch with a Windows 11 and its last updates
- I installed a brand new Wordpress without any plugin and with the original theme.
In the htacccess there are these lines:
# Protect xmlrpc.php file - only if unused (no webservices on your site)
<files xmlrpc.php>
order Allow,Deny
allow from all
I have the same problem on my different test websites
Video of my publishing process
I have a problem to publish my articles on my site.
After 5 or 6 articles, the program does not publish anything since
- I reinstalled my PC from scratch with a Windows 11 and its last updates
- I installed a brand new Wordpress without any plugin and with the original theme.
In the htacccess there are these lines:
# Protect xmlrpc.php file - only if unused (no webservices on your site)
<files xmlrpc.php>
order Allow,Deny
allow from all
I have the same problem on my different test websites
Video of my publishing process
Thank you for your answer
I just sent you my backup in MP
Thank you for your help
The last update solve my problem
For my tests, I set a delay between each publication to 25 seconds and it works, very good