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Hello @Sven ,
IIs it relevant to be able to use APIs, like those of to create content?

There are very low cost offers and I find it interesting to integrate it in GSA


  • Hello Francois,
    You may want to give "Easy Content Machine" a try. It is already integrated into GSA SER and generates content with the GPT-3 engine. I have sent you a PM with details.
  • FrancoisKFrancoisK Paris
    edited August 2022

    I'm sorry but I already have an account at and it's true that has a very interesting offer in unlimited and Lifetime at appsumo at 50$ and that works for the french
    Thanked by 1draculax
  • edited August 2022
    I agree with @FrancoisK if @sven can do something because at this price it is a gift and moreover I have just tested it is a folly.
    A key word a sentence and it sends a very correct text

  • Hi @draculax
    Yes, at this price in lifetime and natively in multilingual, it is a gift
    Sven answered me that he's going to work on this API as soon as he's back from vacation. <3
    As usual he wants to make the product even more efficient and always listening to his customers.

    Oui, à ce prix en lifetime et nativement en multilingue, c'est un cadeau
    Sven m'a répondu qu'il va y bosser sur cette API des son retour de vacance.
    Comme à son habitude il veut rendre le produit, encore plus performant et toujours à l’écoute de ses clients

  • cherubcherub
    Looking at the actual deal you're getting on appsumo, it doesn't look like access to the API is part of what you get. I'd clarify with the owners if I were you.
  • Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Our API is a separate product and is not included in this deal.

  • edited August 2022
    bien vu @cherub .
    donc il faut voir avec sven pour qu'il ne bosse pas pour rien car le premier prix des api Access est de 150usd/mois donc plus rentable mon cher francois .

    C'est dommage de le faire savoir à @Sven pour qu'il ne perde pas son temps.
  • Hi @cherub, @draculax , @Sven

    Yes, indeed, I warned him that there is a doubt about the API and I also sent him this link
    Indeed 150 € / month, it is a cost, that I had not seen :

    Oui, effectivement, je l'ai prévenu qu'il y a un doute sur l'API et je lui ai aussi envoyé ce lien
    Effectivement 150 €/ mois, c'est un cout que je n'avais pas vu
  • Hello @draculax ,

    Which article creation service do you use for French ?

    Quel service de création d'articles tu utilises pour du francais  ?

  • Good morning,
    there are plenty of Ia solutions for French but to my knowledge none have a free Api. with an offer of 49 usd is a gift but you have to do the integration by hand.

    It is on that with an api has 10 seconds the creation of text that can send much content!
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