not form at all
I have this custom engine, i can login fine, but i can not post, the error: is not form at all
Can some one help.
I user this import:
Thanks in advance.
Can some one help.
I user this import:
Thanks in advance.
default checked=0
fixed url=
;;;; -> the url of the registration page
url must have=
engine type=My Engines
description=Creates a blog entry like moneybot
;1 = This engine creates a do follow link
;0 = This engine creates a no follow link
;2 = This engines produces both, no follow and do follow links.
anchor text=1
;1 = This engine creates links with your anchor text
;0 = This engine creates links with there own anchor texts
;2 = This engine might create both
uses pages=0
extract keywords=0
skip ext links on=0
skip content on=0
skip url content on=0
posted domain check=1
must be filled=1
hint=The login for websites that need an account. Use numbers and letters only.
min length=5
must be filled=1
hint=A password used for websites that need an account. Use numbers and letters only.
min length=6
[Your E-Mail]
allow html=0
must be filled=1
hint=capitalize each word.
max length=45
allow html=1
html to bbs=1
must be filled=1
hint=The full article comes here.
auto modify=1
find link=
;;;; =Click here to view new blog -> Text of the link to your blog post
find url=
;;;; */read_blog/[0-9]*/*[a-z]* -> /read_blog/20121802/myfirstblog
modify url=
;form name=
;form url=
;form id=
form name=*free website|*Log In
form url=*/sign-in
form id=pageLoginForm
submit success=Logging in please wait
;submit success=feo
;>login<|Hello, %login%
submit failed=You have entered an invalid login
;account was deleted
verify on unknown status=1
seconds to wait before submission=%random-25-30%
link type=Article
seconds to wait before submission=20
seconds to wait before submission condition=Logging in please wait
modify url=
find link=Suggest an Idea|Add New|add topic
submit success=Post Successfully Published
submit failed=Post not published
optional find url link=1
;just download=1
add fixed data=content=%article%
;modify step=3
;modify step condition=name="post"
;modify submit method=POST
;verify submission=1
;verify interval=1
;verify timeout=1
;verify url=
;%verify_url% OR for example
first verify=0
;verify by=url
;verify on unknown status=1
form name=post|*publish|*Publish|Add New|Publish
;form url=*/new-post|*/wp-admin/post.php|
form id=poststuff|post|wp-link|adv-settings
;form request with=XMLHttpRequest
seconds to wait before submission=20
seconds to wait before submission condition=Logging in please wait
;http header=X-WP-Nonce: xyz;AnotherOne: 123
encode post data=1
;modify submit type=multipart/form-data
;modify submit type condition=javascript:modify_type
;add fixed data=
;add fixed data condition=
;add fixed data=post_status=publish;post_status=pending;post_status=publish;post_status=pending
;add fixed data condition=value="publish";value="pending";value='publish';value='pending'
; add fixed data=FCKeditor1=%article%
;;;; This will add a form field if the thing in “add fixed data condition” is found on the webpage.
; add fixed data condition=FCKeditor1
This works only if both variables are defined. Only required if some
sites add data to forms by javascript to prevent automated submissions.
set unknown variable=%leave%
variable must be used=username
i will make one more test
i will intechage this to see if this login
submit failed=Logging in please wait
i used translate text and about 5 post in each blog.
i think is the text is i have less than 200 o 300 characters they remove this post. or is your text is copy or if you no have visitors, you need make tier2 with gsa ser.
i have a lot of this blogs manual.