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GSA captcha is not responding to GSA SER.

I have taken all the steps, but my GSA captcha is still not responding to GSA SER. Do any of you know what is going on?


  • SvenSven
    With "all the steps" you also mean that you started GSA SER as
    Thanked by 1sakis1964
  • sakissakis denmark
    administrator you mean???  of course......! 
  • sakissakis denmark
    What else can be going on? It's been up for 2 weeks and still not working.
  • SvenSven
    I can only offer to have a look myself if you send me login details as private message.
  • sakissakis denmark
    I send you the logins, how can I activate the private message?
  • sakissakis denmark
    I send all log ins on your e-mail
    let me know if you get any problem
    thnks for help!
  • SvenSven
    too late here already, will check this tomorrow.
  • SvenSven
    fixed it now...CB works with SER. Though your problem was also your proxy setup. When you use public proxies, you better not use the option to only scan/check if below a certain amount. This will keep unstable/none working proxies in the list forever and no new/fresh/working come in.
  • sakis1964sakis1964 denmark greece
    Hi Svend, thanks for trying but it still does not work, it's still just one captca.
  • sakis1964sakis1964 denmark greece
    I think its ok now!
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