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GSA wont Communicate with CB or CS?

edited March 2013 in Need Help
After testing my threads at 300 on two installs I think something happened to my IP.  I use 40 shared proxies from  Over night I wake up to find less than 1lpm.  So I stop both gsa's and take a break.  Same day later in the evening I crank em up again lower threads to 90 and my one instal performing OK at 53lpm. 

My other install wont communicate with CB or CSX.  In the CB log no captchas are showing up in it.  I switch settings to CS and same thing no activity?  What is happening here do you think?


  • SvenSven
    We would need to see some logs. Usually it explains everything.
  • I emailed you back Sven...
  • I've also had this problem a few times. Left it running overnight to find it nolonger running through the captchas when I got up. A restart of SER solves this and it carries on as usual. :)
  • This was fixed by right clicking on the SER icon and choosing "run as admin", started communicating right away with my captcha services software.
  • Ok just did it again for me. Was running fine then all of a sudden no captchas sent to CS. I went into the options page and tested and got the 777 response for CS but an error for askmebot. The strange thing is askmebot is currently not working. Wonder if when that goes down it then blocks the captchas getting to CS. If I restart SER it then continues and captchas work again. :(
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