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About indexing of contextual links

Hi all,
in the past I used a lot Gsa Ser, with mixed results, but since a couple of years I prefer to buy packs of Ser links from more experienced user. Usually I buy a service of 1000 T1 (contextual links) and 10.000 T2 (spam links). Again, in the past the result was not bad.
But, since 1 year, the indexing rate of all the links is really horrible. Last pack I purchased, among 1090 LIVE T1 contextual links, only 2 has been indexed by google. But also the previous packs have had similar results (always less then 10 indexed links every 1000 verified live links). Everytime I submit all the links to speed-links indexer, but also the seller submit all the links to his indexer services before to provide me the report.

So, my question is: in your experience, this low indexing is due to some seller error, or it is really hard nowadays to get the SER links indexed?
And do you have any recommended indexer service to suggest me?

Thanks for any help.


  • cherubcherub
    By 'not indexed' do you mean not visible via GSC, or not visible when you do a site:contextual-link-here or inurl:contextual-link-here search?
  • I check the google indexing with scrapebox, I can't check 1,000 links one by one. But it's the same when I check with the operator
  • cherubcherub
    Are they showing up in GSC?
  • indexing is generally a problem these days but if you search this forum it has already been stated multiple times that google has basically two databases. One is that of crawled links and the other is that of indexed links. Both help. 

    In the end, you shouldn't be worried about whether links are indexed or not. If keyword rank is improving then that's it.

  • The other thing you need to look at in your campaign is to have T2 also contextual and not just spam. I would also throw a T3 in there. This will help most of these links get indexed or at least crawled.
  • amitseo said:
    indexing is generally a problem these days but if you search this forum it has already been stated multiple times that google has basically two databases. One is that of crawled links and the other is that of indexed links. Both help. 

    In the end, you shouldn't be worried about whether links are indexed or not. If keyword rank is improving then that's it.

    Thanks a lot!! I have never heard of these 2 google databases, very interesting!

    amitseo said:
    The other thing you need to look at in your campaign is to have T2 also contextual and not just spam. I would also throw a T3 in there. This will help most of these links get indexed or at least crawled.
    II have not explained well in the first post. Actually the 2 GSA Ser tiers goes to my PBNs, so they are respectively T2 (contextual) and T3 (spam). T1 are the PBN sites. I was thinking that 2 tiers are enough to power up the PBNs, but if the tiers are not indexed I was thinking they are useless

  • No, that's not true. OF course, indexed links are better but crawled links are enough as well. Again, don't believe me or anyone else. Track your keyword ranking on a weekly and monthly basis and then decide whether it's working or not. Not on the basis of what others say.

  • Very good thx 
  • s_matysiks_matysik

    And do you have any recommended indexer service to suggest me?
  • Working indexing services are very expensive now. 
  • I tried those link indexing services:

    And they probably don't work, only a few links were indexed.

    Here is service in telegram, that really works, it helped to index about 60% of my contextual links:

    It's rather expensive, but the only one really works fine. 
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