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Macro Question: Is it possible to set up a hashmap / associative array of keywords and link url?

edited March 2013 in Need Help
I want to set this up in my articles and money links

keywords: kw1, kw2, kw3...
urls: url1, url2, url3

so that when i get an article link, my 
link to Url1 has Kw1, 
link to Url2 has kw2

Is this possible? I think in the manual there is a way to do a keywords macro and then a keywords_i or something like that but can someone wit experience doing this more advance feature clarify this. thanks.


  • SvenSven

    you can use {#mark1 blah|#mark2 blah2|...}

    And whenever you want to bundle the same content...use #mark1 or #mark2 or whatever you call it in the spin sysntax of the other field.

  • edited March 2013
    Hey Sven thanks again for answering my questions. Sorry I am a little dense today. Still not sure what I need to do. I should have made the question clearer. I want to oupt this in my article.

    <a href="URL1">Key Word 1</a>
    <a href="URL1">Key Word 1</a>

    What's the best way to do this? How does {#mark1 blah|#mark2 blah2|...} fix this, where do i enter this? Of course I want to try to use macro shortcut and avoid doing this in my article:
    {<a href="URL1">Key Word 1</a> | <a href="URL2">Key Word 2</a>...}

  • SvenSven
    So you are worried that the wrong anchor text (not keyword) would be used with a randomly chosen URL? No need. Just add a anchor text to the url (press EDIT button next to the URL field).
  • cool didn't know this was a feature you guys think of everything. Yes sorry for confusing you i meant anchor text.
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