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Anyone wanna brainstorm/share best settings for output for different purposes?

Curious what you guys are using for spin settings etc for different purposes. Im trying to figure out the best options for readability but uniqueness to use on pbns as well as in gsa. I have the output settings changed up a bit from default for words per paragraph and number of paragraphs, new structure, etc

And have my spin settings set to 9 each for title, sentence+, para and using tbs set to 27 max synonyms replace everyones favs now...set for title and body..yes rewrite sentence before spinning, normal english thesarus

ive been running smaller test scrapes and exports with different settings but having trouble really figuring out whats what and whats better


  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    Do you use the built-in spinner in GSACG?
    I've subscribed to services and I'm still checking them out...

  • I am trying to do the same

    I don't want to use other services (spinners)

    Does anyone know the best settings to get good readable articles?
  • I use seo content machine with their AI paraphrase it works good. If you want to generate mass article. If you want more control you can use wordai turning spin for better result
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