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Link URL N/A: What Does This Mean?!

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited December 2021 in Need Help
Greetz GSA ppolz...
I am trying to run GSA like a pro...after five years of learning and not applying said knowledge! :neutral:
So...what are these in the Verified list?
I go to the page and there is NO link? Is there a way to remove these all at once?  Why do they re-verify?

Edit: I am guessing engines with moving pages might not have a URL link? But these are all kinds of engines!


  • SvenSven
    N/A means "Not Available" and usually is due to "citation Links" where you domain or brand is mentioned without a link.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    Is it worth backlinking these? I mean, is the citation at all connected to link weight,  as an actual link would be?
  • SvenSven
    edited December 2021
    I don't know if thats the case nowadays, but it was a huge point when this was added to SER. Maybe some experts can comment on that.
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