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Email filters still letting some emails go to spam?

When I add a hotmail acct gsa pops up those settings...the verbage is a bit different in outlook but I think I have them set the same. The sender @ never set to spam filter was still letting stuff thru, so I just added that new filter rule to apply to all messages and move them to inbox...but some emails are still going to spam.

Similar issue with gmail..I had the 'sfrom @ never send to spam' enabled and it was still sending emails to spam, so I added the second one 'if its larger than 1kb never send to spam' and its still sending some emails to spam.

I'm not sure what else to do...I'd like the option of using all the hotmails and gmails I have...along with the catchalls I'm about to test out.



  • googlealchemistgooglealchemist Anywhere I want
    Anybody have any insight on this? I notice a similar issue to this in my own business/personal outlook that I keep for non gmail related stuff. There I dont have the total filter setup as described above for gsa link verifications, but when I check the spam folder for an email that isn't showing up in my inbox as expected...I'll mark it as 'not junk' and tick the box to 'never send emails from this sender again' box...yet they still end up in the spam?

    The gsa verifications are a more pressing issue as i dont want to miss good links because of this.

    Can gsa have an option to just move everything from spam to inbox when it logs into the email account as a fail safe?

    I plan on switching mainly/soley to catchalls but still feel like it would be good to have at least one or two gmails and outlook/hotmails in there.
  • SvenSven
    sorry, but we have no influence for whats added to spam and what not. It's no part of the pop3 protocol.
  • googlealchemistgooglealchemist Anywhere I want
    Sven said:
    sorry, but we have no influence for whats added to spam and what not. It's no part of the pop3 protocol.
    I realize that...but was hoping the software could select all in the junk/spam folder when it logs in to verify emails, and move them to the inbox before checking for verifications?
  • odinotodinot Earth's inner core
    edited January 2022
    I avoided outlook/gmail entirely. To me it's not worth the hassle of doing so. Build a list that you can build backlinks fast with just catchall email. If you do buy catchall email, check with the provider if they do move emails from junk to inbox or help you setup a cronjob/scheduler that does that.

    Or if you want build your own catchall email server, get a server probably dedicated that allows port 25 but do not abuse it to send spam. Just use it for GSA to receive emails, you can have your own email server without the need to depend on zoho or gsuite. And you can use it too for your other projects.

    You can easily set it up with a server that has docker installed and opt for mailcow-dockerized. And then put a cronjob of dovecot to move junk mails to inbox every minute and delete emails that has been there before 3days ago. So you wont be missing out on those links that goes to junk and speed up the process of checking email for GSA SER.

  • cherubcherub
    I realize that...but was hoping the software could select all in the junk/spam folder when it logs in to verify emails, and move them to the inbox before checking for verifications?
    POP3 protocol does not have the ability to see other 'folders', just inbox, so you need to make sure your mail provider either doesn't filter spam or allows you to setup rules to move everything into the inbox.
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