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Need help - to those who understand GSA script!

edited March 2013 in Need Help
Hi Sven/Ozz/awint/anybody else,

i have few question - i think only Sven would know most answers :)

1) if i import previously created accounts, engine will start with [LOGIN_STEP1]?
2) if "submit failed" is triggered in [LOGIN_STEP1], engine always stops here and tries to register again (i have seen it with some platforms)?
3) how to make the engine to continue with next step even if "submit failed" is triggered?

thanks :)


  • SvenSven

    1) yes if there are login details present/saved

    2) yes if login failed (and no registration was done in previous step), it will try to register/login/... 

    3) if login failed...nothing can be done (except the thing in point 2)... why should it?

  • 3, you can set submit success or fail in [login step1] to fix it.
    sven, i think he think 'submit fail' is judge by mistake.
  • SvenSven
    Ahh yea than he has to modify that "submit success" or "submit failed".
  • Well, I am trying to figure out why Blogtronix is not working almost at all. Its completely weird. Registration works correctly. I tried two examples, both are not working: and

    For both, engine goes (as i see in debuger) to LOGIN_STEP2 - dont understand why LOGIN_STEP1 is skiped, "form url=*regid*regkey*" should be found i think. Then debugger is saying engine posts to - but probably just to "form action="" method="post" because only email and password and rememberme are the registration is not completed, posting is not working of course...

    Could you please explain me why Login_step1 is skiped here? I dont get it...

  • SvenSven
    next version improves things here.
  • Well...i want you to fix it of course, but i would rather understand how to fix it for myself :) Will study your changes then...

    There are more problems with Blogtronix - imported accounts dont work as well, this is why i asked if LOGIN_STEP1 can be skipped if "submit failed" is triggered...but maybe this fix i talked about above will fix imported accounts as well - but probably not because it goes to LOGIN_STEP1 and raises "submit failed" because of class="alert red" and stops here.

    Also, extra submission dont work in most cases as well cause URL is almost always on *settings/contacts and systems tries just */settings (found in extra_step1) and */settings/profile (found in extra_step2).
  • SvenSven
    Well why don't you just modify that engine yourself or deliver some sample URLs? It's hard for me to work blindly.
  • I would like to fix it for myself, but i dont understand several aspect of the script. Thats why i asked question 3 in the first post.

    Problem with Blogtronix is that [LOGIN_STEP1] must be used just first time after registration, then after import of created accounts, we need to skip this step somehow.

    I just realized that solution is easy - just to not export "email_link=" when exporting blogtronix accounts at all. Engine then goes directly to [LOGIN_STEP2] and everything works fine. I think this is hard coded in could you change that? Examples here are easy - every single working blogtronix site :) like

  • SvenSven
    you can also remove the "submit failed" line that causes it to stop. 
  • Yep thats right, but i thought it is better to leave it there for the first login step (just after registration). Anyway, will you implement one of these possible fixes in some next update?

  • SvenSven
    latest version has this already.
  • Uuups yes i saw it - however, it is not working for me again :) (when trying to import existing accounts). I fixed it with changing [LOGIN_STEP2] to this (not sure if every line is needed and if this is the most general solution):

    find url=*/signin
    ;form name=*Sign In|*Create my account
    form url=*/signin

    variable must be used=password
    set unknown variable=%leave%

    email=%your e-mail%

  • SvenSven
    OK optimized it again a bit for next version.
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