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Save source link with article

Is it possible to somehow save the source of an article (when using Same Article in output)?


  • SvenSven
    right click on generated article->show sources
  • Is there a way to use the source(s) in an export template? And how about the keyword used? Will %keyword% use the keyword used to scrape the article or just pull one from the project?
  • SvenSven
    Sorry, there is no macro to refer to the sources used as the sources usually are not of interest on a new article created.
    That %keyword% macro will use a random keyword.
  • Alright. I understand the interest in something like this might be low, but would it be possible to implement?
  • SvenSven
    sorry, too much hassle as this is not saved along with the article, just the ids of sources used...that would be too much work i my eyes.
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