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Title in English and content in french

Hi Sven, i just generated around 1000 french articles but i have more 80% English title, what do you think ? Thanks


  • I have used mix sentence
  • SvenSven
    hmm titles are usually pulled from the url itself (in <title>, <h1>,<h2>) or from good sentences in the article itself. So they must be part of the article/site for some way.
    Thanked by 1dade1200
  • Hi @Sven ,

    I take this opportunity to point out a bug in the encoding of titles in the articles.
    The apostrophe (') are removed and the accents are replaced by a graphic character

  • SvenSven
    can you send me the project backup?
  • Hi @Sven ,
    Backup sent by mail
    The problem seems to be random
    Thanks for your help

  • Hi @Sven

    Since the last version, the generation of articles takes a lot of time and even days
  • SvenSven
    What version was working better for you?
  • The problem is that there were many versions at once. I would say it was around version 4.57 / 4.55
  • @Sven A suggestion, we should archive the versions to make tests by ourselves
  • FrancoisKFrancoisK Paris
    edited December 2021
    the last lines of my log [12:48:28] Filter applies to article 015 -> source "" matches "and" [12:48:29] Filter applies to article 013 -> source "" matches "and" [12:48:29] Filter applies to article 009 -> source "" matches "for" [12:48:29] Filter applies to article 007 -> article contains "covid" [12:48:29] Filter applies to article 006 -> source "" matches "and" [12:48:29] Filter applies to article 002 -> source "" matches "and" [12:48:31] Starting "Generating Articles"... [12:48:31] MixSentence: extracting sentences and titles from 11823 data sets...
  • SvenSven
    why are you filtering articles by and / for ? Is that some extra check to filter out English articles? I can't see anything wrong on that log though.
  • @Sven
    Are you referring about the tab, ''Filter / modify'' ?
    Here I only replace words by another or exclude words or ignore websites

  • indeed, it is a problem of parameterization, but I do not see where
  • I realized 2 tests
    On one profile, I unchecked all the options and deleted the filters, it worked well.
    On the same profile, I rechecked all my options and added my filters, and it worked well
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