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Gsa softwares problem - Verifying license

Hi i have problem to open Gsa softwares, after restar gsa its show only "Verifying license" and nothing more


  • Me too. Gsa ser show me verify license only
  • edited October 2021
    seems like an issue with license verification.

    Mine SER has switched to free version after the last update.
    Tried previous version which was working an hour ago before i updated. even that is not working now.

    gsa seo indexer is not working as well, switched to free version.

  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    gsa seo indexer is not working as well, switched to free version
    same here, lost all URL pending processing, too :(

    Entered correct License and just hangs...

  • probably license verification server is down
  • Deeeeeeee said:
    gsa seo indexer is not working as well, switched to free version
    same here, lost all URL pending processing, too :(

    Entered correct License and just hangs...

    probably license verification server is down
  • edited October 2021
    working now, thanks @Sven
  • Thanks it works
  • SvenSven
    Im sorry, it was indeed a problem on the hoster. It's fixed now and should not happen again.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee

  • I have again problem Verifying license :( can You help?

  • Ok its works now, maybe it was problem with servers
  • avijeeavijee Pakistan
    I am having the same problem, specially when run as an administrator. It shows only "Verifying license" and nothing more.

    When I open as normal (not as an administrator), it runs perfectly alright.

    Running as administrator is required for captcha breaker.
  • avijeeavijee Pakistan
    @Sven, any response? I am not able to use captcha breaker because it does not run as an administrator.
    Using latest version with windows 10.
  • SvenSven
    well CB requires admin rights anyway. I wonder why it would not request that in an dialog?
  • avijeeavijee Pakistan
    When I run gsa as an administrator its show only "Verifying license" and nothing more. Any solution?
  • SvenSven
    is it active in task manager (cpu usage, ea/byte...)?
  • avijeeavijee Pakistan
    Presently running as normal and running fine. Taskbar screenshot pasted below.

  • cherubcherub
    Looks like you are running SEO Indexer, not CB.
  • avijeeavijee Pakistan
    The problem is not with CB, problem is with SER. Until and unless we open SER as an administrator, it does not connect to CB. 

    The screenshot I pasted above is only SER running. I closed CB myself because SER is not using it and it is occupying memory.

    Hope you understood my point. If not, then please let me know.
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