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Fast Indexer verified urls are not saved

Hello @Sven
I wanted to report that fast indexer verified URLs are not saved into its related file.

Thank you


  • SvenSven
    hmm you mean not saved as verified URLs or not exported? Can you give details?
  • AliTabAliTab
    Sven said:
    hmm you mean not saved as verified URLs or not exported? Can you give details?
    They're not saved as verified URLs in the file (which is sitelist_Indexer-Fast Indexer.txt) but they are available in the project's verified URLs.
  • SvenSven
    Sometimes they get saved in other files as they are more accurate:
    - sitelist_URL Shortener-General URL Shortener.txt
    - sitelist_URL Shortener-URL Redirect.txt

  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    They are being detected as url shortener - url redirect

    But they are not being saved in the verifed file for url shortener- url redirect. They don't appear to be getting saved anywhere.

    Only links like this are being saved in the verified file for url shortener-url redirect, which is the domain for the url shortener: 

    We want this link to be saved:

    They used to be saved in the fast_indexer verified file, but it's been months since I've seen gsa ser save/create that verified file.

    I've had to manualy create the fast_indexer verified file and paste my links into it and save them to have a separate list of those indexer links.
    Thanked by 1AliTab
  • SvenSven
    will have a look into this next week. Im sorry, but Im not in office for some days to check.
    Thanked by 1AliTab
  • SvenSven
    fixed in latest update
    Thanked by 1AliTab
  • Nice one @Sven. Working nicely now. Thanks
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