Article quantity and average number of keywords
Hi Sven,
Is there any way to check the total amount of articles from the top 10 competitors and what is the average amount of keywords ?
In Ngran and competitor research I can't see that ?
Is there such a possibility?
As I said before.
- Number of words on each page
Whether it's 2000 thousand or 3000 thousand words and so on.
- And how many times the keyword is mentioned in this article.
I know that in keyword checker I can have this, however, it would be much better to have a quantity in each article.
I believe it is quite simple to implement this through the tags >tiitle/> and <body/>.
scrapebox does this very well.
Thank you!
Honestly, I like the scrapebox rating, I believe it is more configurable and adjustable.
I want to understand what you take into consideration when ranking a site.
I hope it is not an old ranking,Google has changed, and I believe the program needs to evolve as well
Thank you!
Beating your competitors is like climbing a step every day.
I may want to evaluate front page competitors, just as I may also want to evaluate 100 competitors and try to find out what they are doing that I am not.
And Scrapebox, let me do that.
It is limited.
My idea is to make this program an icon.
I know that all changes have a resistance at the beginning, but that's what Beta versions are for.