GSA CG Replace Location In Source With Present Location in Created Article
Hi, Sven. I was wondering if this might be a useful feature:
I see a lot of created articles have a location within the text: New York, France, Los Angeles, etc.
Might it be useful to have GSA CG change this, especially for local businesses?
I see that I can set the bundled spinner/external spinner to do this, but then it might be difficult to flexibly change this.
Is it worthwhile to bother adding this as a feature to GSA CG?
Might it be useful to add a feature that is like:
[X] change location <--- locations in resulting articles will be altered
[X] Convert ALL to [EU] <---toggle whether single location or multiple
[ ] Convert with more specificity (set below)
[ ] Convert City to [San Diego]
[ ] Convert Country to [Canada]
[ ] Convert State to [Oaxoa]
I do not know if this is useful.