Garbage - Dont waste your money!
Submit only 7-8 links, i have 500 dedicated proxies, bulk and google accounts but no way. Only 7-8 links at all. I sent many e-mails to owner but no reply at all. Tried everything from 15 days. I did exactly the same on videos, tried something else but got only 8 link maximum. Something wrong with serengines and the main thing he is no reply emails. Ppl pay you $$$, maybe you are busy but need to answer or fix your tool. $15 nothing for me but for some country $15 huge money. Dont rip please ppl, @Sven you are a king and very good person. You have to kick him from this forum that he cant rip anymore. So bros dont waste your money for only 7-8 garbage links as evernote and diigo links..
Are you kidding? How many links do you get from the service?
It only created a few links on 3 engines out of the whole list.
please any ideas on how to rectify this?
This is how
That error basically means the site was inaccessible. Usually shows up when either the site is down or they are running something like cloudflare and your ip is being blocked.
I see that message all the time, so it's perfectly normal.
Or are you talking about SER engines? It doesn't work is the short answer.
You also should set your verified folder to an empty folder location. Any additional projects should be run using only the verified folder. This folder will automatically save any verified links that are found whilst processing your 1st project. So any projects that use it, will only be running working sites, hence mimising the number of errors you'll see.
Make sure to do this also:
Make sure the verified box is ticked, this ensures new verified urls will be saved to the verified folder.
engine type=WordPress
description=Script for automating account creation and domain selection on\n\n© Custom Script
default checked=1
uses pages=0
search term=
find url=
just download=1
find link=Continue with Email
optional find url link=1
alternative url=
form class=signup-form__passwordless-email
submit success=Check your email for a link to continue
submit failed=Please enter a valid email address
find url=
just download=1
form class=search-component__input
submit success=Domain search results displayed
find link=Filter
optional find url link=1
find link=Select
find url=*/
optional find url link=1
submit success=Domain selected successfully