Need Help...
Hello , I'm new to GSA Tools. I'm currently using GSA SER , GSA Captcha Breaker, and GSA Indexer. I manage to run a new campaign with global lists enable and 30k+ identified URLs ( Most of them are General Blogs and Wordpress ) , But on the verified lists , there are only bunch of Indexers. But in the logs list, there are alot of "possible new Target URLs from General Blogs". But i don't see a single General Blogs on the Verified list. Any solution or there's a setting that i forgot to check out?

Where did you get your target urls from in the first place?
Does this mean my URLs list are unusable? ( I tried to test the URLs list which have over 200k links in it and only half of them are identified ).
I bought it from someone on the network.
If you bought the list you're using I'd ask the seller for a best practices document or something.