PI not responding when monitor folder is processed completely

Hi @Sven
PI is not responding when it has checked all files which are in monitored folder. It doesn't freeze completely but the program is not responding time to time when this happens. I think the threads are still running and not eliminated even if there are no files to check and that's why it's not responding.
Thank you!
PI is not responding when it has checked all files which are in monitored folder. It doesn't freeze completely but the program is not responding time to time when this happens. I think the threads are still running and not eliminated even if there are no files to check and that's why it's not responding.
Thank you!
Thanks for the reply.
that's true and it shouldn't stop monitoring in case if new files are added but this makes PI not responding when there are no more text files to process.
For example I'm using 300 threads for monitoring one folder(also there are 2 other folders which I'm monitoring with 200 threads each). PI works without hanging but when all files are processed and until new files are added to that monitored folder, it's not responding time to time and if I stop that manually, other monitoring process(the other monitoring folders with 200 threads each) work fine.
If I am running 1000 threads, everything goes well.
CPU usages is 60-70%
Bandwidth consuming 150Mbps
I can easily click and edit the camapign
But once the folder monitoring finish, the PI start going to Unresponsive time to time.
Even tho it is using 5-7% CPU now, and very less Bandwidth.
So I can not click and edit camapign, it freeze up everything.
One more thing, It seems that everything goes normal if my ScrapeBox add more files and PI have work to do.
So if One folder finished, My other folder monitering camapigns freez as well.
There is another catch >_<
This other folder is just frozen BUT did not stopped working. It is working BUT not reporting the states and DownSpeed.