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I need Paid GSA RANKER Consultant to fix problems on my GSARANKER

Hello, My GSA RAnker is not posting only in _media types and blog comments.
I have All GSA Products like indexer, proxy scraper, captch breaker, platform identifier, but my GSA Ranker can only provide me type of sites.
I need some1 who can help me fix the problems on my Gsa Ranker and make my Gsa Ranker post on Wordpress Articles, Wordpress Blog Posts, Social Bookmarks, Social Networks, Web 2.0, Wikis, Forum Profiles, Guestbooks, Trackbacks, Image Comments again.
I am ready to pay for any advice. my email is rkaraca  (@)



  • SvenSven
    I don't understand why you would have a project with "Fast Indexder" (__media__ links) and contextual (article/blog...) engines together? That makes no sense to me in terms of SEO.
    You should simply disable "Fast Indexer" for that project so that it has more resources for submission to the other link types.
  • I have added all platforms to submit but l dont get any results from them.

  • SvenSven
    a project with all engines enabled makes no sense to me. Someone should not mix contextual links with adult, exploit or makes no sense in terms of SEO.
  • Sven said:
    a project with all engines enabled makes no sense to me. Someone should not mix contextual links with adult, exploit or makes no sense in terms of SEO.
    than please advise to me. what should l do. as you can see l am looking for a paid helper who can help me.
  • SvenSven
    GSA can not provide a SEO service. However here are some excellent tutorials:
  • Your main problem is that you have no idea about SEO and you want to use an advanced seo tool to rank your website.
    Don't worry we've all been there but unfortunately it will take quite a long time to pick up the necessary knowledge and use SER to your advantage.
    Paying for someone to help you with the tool is just one thing, you also need to know what you want to do with the tool.
    SEO is not just buying a tool, setting it up and rank.
    You have to do and understand a lot of concepts before setting up a tool.
    1. Keyword research
    2. Competitor research
    3. Link building

    Of course you can pay people to help you or teach you about the different stages but if you don't plan to do seo on the long term it's better use of your resources if you ask an seo agency / seo to do it for you.
    Thanked by 1Sven
  • cherubcherub
    The various list providers in the Buy / Sell / Trade section here all seem to give instructional pdfs as part of their service. Have a look around and ask them what sort of guides they offer, and if you end up buying you'll have a list of targets to work with too - win win
  • What service do you recommend? @chérubin
  • cherubcherub
    I don't recommend any specific ones but I'd go for the provider that updates their thread more often and replies to customer queries.
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