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Indexer not working with GSA atm?

@Sven hey, is anyone having issue with their indexer not not working on GSA? I tested my Elite Indexer API on GSA ser and it says "invalid apikey"   I tested my two api keys I have for Elite indexer but still no luck.  My GSA servers are up to date too. Not sure if it's a GSA issue or Elite indexer issue? 


  • SvenSven
    hmm must be some error on there end to be honest. I have no key to check but I know this worked in old versions and I haven't touched this.
  • Can I PM you my api key to check? I don't really want to switch to a new Indexing service at the moment.
  • SvenSven
    yes sure...however it's 9:30pm...I might be able to check things tomorrow earliest
  • ok thank you Sven
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