add checkbox to not delete submitted urls from DIRECTORY lists
directories submissions may take from a few minutes to a few months to release an email giving login insturctions or success or failure (to be included)
I know I can go into each engine and change the verification max time but that is inconvinient and it will be overriden on next update
or I have to create my own custom lists of directories but then I have to merge them from time to time (still not convinient)
I envision a global or per project or per engine type check saying "ignore max verification time for this project" or "ignore max verification time for directory engines" or similar
I know I can go into each engine and change the verification max time but that is inconvinient and it will be overriden on next update
or I have to create my own custom lists of directories but then I have to merge them from time to time (still not convinient)
I envision a global or per project or per engine type check saying "ignore max verification time for this project" or "ignore max verification time for directory engines" or similar
after months
so a checkbox to avoid erasing directories from the submitted list would be nice
how much each directory owner waits to accept a submission is REALLY random
having a checkbox per project to "avoid erasing submitted sites (ignore timeout verification times)"
would not be a viable solution ? can't be implemented ? won't be implemented ?
Thanks this is great news