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Running more than one campaign at once?

edited March 2013 in Need Help
I have about 4-5 campaigns running at once right now, is this perfectly alright to do you think?


  • a bit few dont you think?
  • Well I don't know, that is why I'm asking. The GSA seems to run them at once so I just don't know?

    I know there's the option of making them inactive of course etc...
  • Most people here have many campaigns running all at the same time and if you have a load of sites, then use the scheduler function to rotate between the sites and reduce the load on the computer.

    I have 30 or so campaigns, but use the scheduler to rotate between the active campaigns, so only 8 are running at any one time. You can play about with the figures to get the optimal performace.
  • @ScottyDee - Love that you actually asked the question. Me too, I am running like 4 from a PC at 90 treads, so It seems that i can increase the number a bit...

    @Sven. Such good software you created here. Learning a lot and fast..Though I am still a NOOB!
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    I have 11 active campaigns and another 10 inactive campaigns on one of my servers.  I manually rotate them as the link volume gets to where I want it.
  • Thanks a lot for the help guys, I do really appreciate it etc...
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