Skip to content its down


  • SvenSven
    indeed :( I will contact James and check whats wrong there.
  • SvenSven
    Reply from James:
    Yes I have notified the data center.
    Should be back up shortly.

  • hello
    for the moment nothing has come back.
    The problem is that it impacts gsa ser because serengine doesn't work anymore on the software.
  • SvenSven
    Im sorry but it's noones fault actually except the one from the server pool it seems.
    Lets hope it comes back soon.
  • ok thanks you sven 
  • SvenSven
    server is back online.
  • hello thanks you
    j dont work for me .
    02:01:18: [-] 1/1 SerEngines: failed with Wait for selector or text timeout -
    02:01:18: [-] 1/1 registration failed (Wait for selector or text timeout) - - L:avbmonica880268 P:ySEPxr7x
    02:01:40: [-] POP3 Login failed - SockError: Connection timed out
  • SvenSven
    The first two errors are about the site itself I guess (or same as for pop3) a change on there page. Something that serengines needs to fix. They probably work on it already.
    The other pop3 error might be a proplem on your network/firewall or with proxies if you use them. I don't know what provider that is, but maybe also there.
  • ok thank you sven I will see on my side proxy and pop3 .
    It would be nice if james could tell us what he has in order to have an extension of the proibleme because if it comes from him it avoids us to look for nothing the time is money lol
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