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i have used the content scraper a few times before for different projects & it has scraped articles
ok, & it has not had this problem before

the terms i am scraping for the market is quite small, but in order to get enough articles,
i took out the first word & then in the "filter / modify" tab at the top i replaced
the middle word with the first word.

i have tried this a few times & it returns  0 articles earch time.

so if the market was "car insurance" i just searched for "insurance"
then under "filter / modify" tab

i set it to "replace" "insurance" with "car insurance"

i have used about a dozen search terms & the terms i am searching with are big terms &
i know there will be a lot of content, but it still returns 0 articles


  • in the log as it is scraping it keeps saying "empty reply"
  • i have unticked use proxies under "settings" & it is not saying "empty reply" now , so i will wait untill it gets to the end & see the result.
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