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Url redirect is freezing in recursive mode

Url redirect is freezing in recursive mode  (1 X), have not tried 2X.  Urls are being saved in file, but it is not needed, without this it is freezing much quickly.

It is showing urls in the left side window , which have just been created but there is no way to automatically clear this window. Url number keeps going up until it freezes.  you can see 536962 urls in left window. If i am saving created urls in a file than perhaps left window could clear after few thousand urls to keep it working.


  • SvenSven
    latest update will improve this.
  • freezing again, as i was saving it to a file to see how many urls are done in recursive mode.  It froze after file reached 116 MB, 610,305 urls.

  • SvenSven
    click help->create bugreport so i can see where it got stuck.
  • i restarted already
  • i am not saving in the file and it is working fine.

    Not tested again with saving file option as it takes several hours to freeze
  • SvenSven
    when using recursive mode, it needs to wait for remaining threads at the end of a run to perform the next step. Try running in recursive mode 1 and check if that makes a difference.
  • edited February 2021
    I am running recursive  1X, 2X, it is nearly finishing judging by the green bar at top. Not faced problem so far.

    Not tested again with saving file option yet, will try it after few days

  • edited February 2021
    frozen at end with windows error in recursive 2X, OS had to be reboot

  • SvenSven
    hmm this looks not like a normal error (oh well no error should be normal) coming from the program but from outside.
    The reason is, that an error withing the program would result in a exception box allowing you to send the bugreport to us.
    What you got is a box from windows.
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