Separate nGram from Keyword Full Analysis
Is there any way to separate nGram analysis from full analysis or omit this? It seems it takes lots of time during my audit. If it's separate from the main audit or has the option to omit, that will be helpful.
Another Feature Request
Last few days, I am bothering you so much with various features and other stuff. Actually, all the features I am asking to make these tools more user friendly.
I asked about the domain age filter from the competitor quick research section. And you already bring this filter.
Nowadays, keyword research is something like data filtering. Good keyword research means how quickly I can collect the data and filter it according to my criteria.
For me, I follow something like
1. At list 2-3 brand new domains in SERP. ( You already bring filtering system)
2.Social platform or forum in SERP. ( You already added this filter)
3. Root domain DR/TF/DA. ( Already have the data, but I have not seen anything related to the filter. If possible, bring it to this feature.
4. Backlink Filter (Already have the data, but again I have not seen anything related to the filter. If possible, bring it to this feature.)
Similarly, Social activity and other stuff like how this keyword in title and meta description and URL.
You might be thinking all the data is in the tool. Just click and check. When I research with many keywords like 10k or 20k, one by one checking might be impossible. Better filtering means better research.
So if possible, then bring the filtering system every possible way.
Check the screenshot:
There is no export option. Not even it works for a clipboard. We work as an agency, and sometimes we need to send overall analysis data for clients.
Also, could you please check ngram filter option. Here is the screenshot:
It seems not to work. I tried few times to uncheck, but it's stuck.
How the filter is worked, I am not sure. I tried and did not get any result. check my filter screenshot:
Is this okay?
Another thing is about SEO Score? I know every tool uses its own secret formula, but I want to know the process. Which section are taken to calculate this score to determine keyword difficulty Score? Because today I analyze 100 keywords, and almost 90% keyword has an SEO score of 100 out of 100. But, According to my manual research, it's not that easy. So if possible, please enlighten me about this matter.
GSA keyword research tools closely related to
According to many experts, kw finder is the best when we talk about difficulty score. All tools are used 3rd party data like GSA. A few years back, long tail pro also a desktop tool. So check the process. Actually, UX for GSA is more complicated than any other tool I use.
Rank Tracker is another desktop tool by link assistant that also comes with good UX. Make it easy to use as much as possible. The data the GSA keyword tool is providing is really cool. No other tools are not offering this much.
You did all the things that keyword research tools should have. It would help if you had a minor adjustment—nothing else.
For example, you gave a search option in competitor research full. here is the screenshot:
But this little feature is also essential in the main keyword research section. You gave a filter option, but for quick search, this is sometimes an issue. Like I have a 2000 keyword, and I need to search for a specific term. I can use the filter section, but here, a quick search option is a mast required.
According to you, SEO Score is based on onpage like Keyword present on meta description, title, URL. Everyone knows google uses NLP to understand the search topic and website. So whatever the keywords present in the title or meta description, it is not until Google is satisfied with the content. Keyword present in title and meta description is a strong indication. Still, if you do research, again and again, you will saw without having the keyword in meta and title, lots of websites are ranked because of NLP analysis. For quick research, you gave an SEO score. Still, if I do a full competitor audit, this score should be changed according to analysis because you include ngram to analyze the competitor content. Also, we use API from domcop or SEOrank, but I have not seen any impact on this data to calculate SEO Score. Also, SEOrank provides Ahref data, but quick research tab, I am not seen their data.
You can use three sections to calculate KD. For doing this, all the data is present here. You need to organize it.
Content section, domain section, page section
For the content section, To calculate Score, you can check
1. Keyword present in URL
2. Keyword In Meta description
3. Keyword in TITLE
4. Content length
5. Keyword present in Main content(Exact)- Ngram can handle this
6. Keyword single term present in content( single word)- Ngram can handle this
Domain-Level Data
1. Domain Age
2. Domain Authority- DR/TF/CF
3. Domain Traffic- Ahref/SEMrush
4. Number of keyword ranking- Ahref/ SEmrush
5. Backlink- Ahref/Moz/Semrush/Majestic
Page Level Data
1. Page Authority- UR/TF/PA
2. Backlink-
Or, in the full competition research section, you can add an SEO score after the full audit.