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I am creating backlinks with gsa SER but most are redirects from google, how do I uncheck that?

Estoy empezando a crear campañas, buenos proxies y captcha buenos. El problema viene que todos los backlinks tienen un redireccionamiento a la URL de destino. ¿Se debe a que el indexador rápido está activo o al tipo de enlace que estoy creando? ¿Cómo puedo solucionar eso? Gracias


  • SvenSven
    edited August 2021
    I don't know what your other message is about but I assume it's same as in the subject.
    You need to uncheck engines such as "Fast Indexer" and "URL Shortener -> URL Redirect"
  • Sven said:
    I don't know what your other message is about but I assume it's same as in the subject.
    You need to uncheck engines such as "Fast Indexer" and "URL Shortener -> URL Redirect"
    Thanks you Sven. 
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