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Previous Successful - What does this mean in the Log?

edited March 2013 in Need Help
Does anyone know what previously successful equates too in the GSA log file?

Seeing it when I shouldn't be


  • SvenSven
    previously successful means that this site has been submitted before and is awaiting verification.
  • edited March 2013
    Maybe I need to add just download=1 to the engine I am trying to create because it looks like it's trying to register a second time? I'm not sure what's going on but I am getting a lot of previously successful on sites I haven't even tried to post on yet. Also sven if you see this, thanks a ton for adding those new features to the debug. :)
  • Problem with the previously successful is that the site hasn't seen [STEP1] ... It goes through all of the other steps, logs in but when it hits step1 it says previously successful but it hasn't run yet. Really scratching my head over this
  • Is there a way to let SER post anyways? I mean it can post to the same bookmark site again and again (for lower tiers).

    Best Regards
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