Very bad bug - when posting do not make proper new lines
I don't know it started recently or not
I just saw that i got new article on :
And there is no new line. I don't use <br/> in my article
Just regular new line \r\n is used
So the article GSA posted is single line and very bad looking
I just saw that i got new article on :
And there is no new line. I don't use <br/> in my article
Just regular new line \r\n is used
So the article GSA posted is single line and very bad looking

Whatever you call "BAD BUG"
...might be just that site. It's Drupal - Blog and in that no coversion is done as most sites do that \n them self. I haven't seen a sinle one not doing this. So skip that.
software can easily convert \r\n to <br/> if it is not supported
@sven is a programmer. If you tell him there is a bug, and there really is, he is the first person to acknowledge it and say dammit.
But if you tell him there is a bug when all that happened was an external coding change on an engine, and ser now doesn't work well with that engine, then you're poking a hot stick in his eye.
All that needs to be said is that there is a problem with this or that engine, and a description of the issue.
OK had a look again at the drupal sites that I build links on.
All of them have proper line breaks so I am not changing the engine to do this \n -> <br> conversion just you found one site that doesn't do that for you.