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Can we retrieve the login and password of the created accounts?

Is it possible to retrieve the login and password of the accounts created with serengines?
If yes, in which folder can we find them ?
Can we reuse this account for another project ?
If yes, can we manage the different accounts we import on new projects?

Thanks you and good job .


  • SvenSven
    Right click on project->modify->export->account data
    On that import->account data you can also import that from other projects and reuse the accounts somewhere else.
    The login/password is also visible by right click->show urls->verified->export->csv...
  • Info! Posts per account: 10, Posts per site: 5, Minutes to wait for first post: 1-5, Minutes to wait for next post: 10-10, Minutes to wait for next signup: 5-5
    03:49:00: [ ] Attention! No targets to post to (Posts per account: 10, Posts per site: 5, Minutes to wait for first post: 1-5, Minutes to wait for next post: 10-10, Minutes to wait for next signup: 5-5)
    this error appears when I want to create wordpress with serengines what can you tell me?

  • JamesJames
    edited November 2020
    That is not an error. That is an info message from GSA SER telling you it's waiting for the next scheduled job to start.

    It is because you are using Scheduled Posting, which is a requirement when using blogs to schedule multiple posts and to retry on failures.
  • ok thanks for the information so that's normal it's just an alert to say that all follow its short.
    That's right James.
    Thank you.
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