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Anchor Text per URL and Website Title

edited March 2013 in Need Help
Hello All, 

I have added my urls with specific anchor text and secondary anchor text to a campaign.

I only want to run bookmarks,

In the bookmark info fields it wants the "Website Title" and as it turns out, this is what is becoming the anchor text. Not the anchors I submitted when adding urls.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Tom


  • ronron

    Bookmarks use that field to create anchors. To understand, just create a project for just bookmarks - there is no anchor text field. It uses Website Title to create the anchors. That is the way it is supposed to be.

    Anchor text is used for anchor text found in articles, social network, wikis, etc.

    The 'field' in bookmark sites where you name your bookmark is called 'Title', not anchor text.

  • Thank you Ron, now I will set up multiple BookMark campaigns.
  • So as @martinact420 suggests it appears to make sense then to separate off projects for bookmarks?
  • ronron
    I think so because you need paid captcha solving, so you don't want that running on other platforms or you will chew through your funds.
  • Thanks for confirming, off to change the master plan again! :-B
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