Content generator : Photos : automatically rename + Retrive same freepik

Hello, Sven,
Is it possible to automatically rename the title of the photos by the inserted keywords or by a relation with the article?
Is it possible for you to select photos related to our recovery theme / article ?
Is it possible to automatically rename the title of the photos by the inserted keywords or by a relation with the article?
Is it possible for you to select photos related to our recovery theme / article ?
Example for me, marketing
Is it possible to retrieve photos by keywords on Freepik (by indicating his account identifiers) because this site is free or almost free or other photo sites but good photos ?
thank you for a great software
Thanked by 1DrGeek
Thank you for the answer
1 - adding titles and always the title of the scrapped site and not the keywords of my project (see screenshot)
2 freepik doesn't work for me (see the very small video)
3 - As I have a lot of custum sources, is it possible to select the number of sentences to retrieve per source (currently, it can take up to 10 per source )?
4 - In the results tab ''article'', is it possible to display the % of copyscape and the link of the result ?
5 - I get a 25% % plagia with copyscap. Do you know the % acceptable by Google so as not to penalize us?
Thank you
There's no hurry, I'm discovering new functions every day.
I want to be completely automated
In Mix mode paragraph xxx, with copyscap, I pass now from 24 to 97% of ''unique''.
The only problem I have to fix is that the pictures have to be in the same category as the scrapbook and get a better ''Keyword density''.
It would be good to separate the options of links (url) and keywords (anchors).
the goal is to put for example 2 links (url) and 6 keywords (anchors)
It's not easy when you don't speak English very well.
In more than a very good product, you are very reactive to our requests.