I have many result like this too, its reported "recoqnized" but its incorrect (https://prnt.sc/1uv164v), for this case can you make fast shortcut (right click on mouse) to report?
keep in mind that this is after all an OCR like system and recognized is just that there was an answer found. Not meaning it's correct.
A "REPORT" feature would be useless as there are probably tons of such requests being sent.
You have a percentage next to each captcha type. A lot have less than 100% and it means that there will be errors. Nothing you can do about it other than improving the captcha type, but all added types are already optimized as best as I can.
Only new types are worth getting added and remove false detection.
For my usage, most of incorrect come from forum related myBB and Discuz, and today i'm effectively use GSA CB as load balance between several captcha services, and at least through this i can see clearly which captcha services are effective or cheated by putting them on external captcha services options