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gsa keyword researcher basic simple best practices

hi everybody can someone please create a basic simple best practices to use the gsa keyword researcher.

a basic guide on how to use the tools



  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    I do plan on making a video in the future to show the functionality.

    In the mean time, it might be easiest to just run a report for the keyword you're trying to rank for.

    To do that you can create a project. Then click the "add" button at the top and enter the  keyword you're wanting to rank for.

    You should see the keyword appear in your project. From there, double click on the keyword and you'll see the keyword competition window pop up.

    Click the full compare button at the top and enter your website URL.

    Wait for the Competitor Matrix screen to finish filling in the data, then click the save button at the top and choose Report (your site only).

    This report file will give you many suggestions on what your site needs to improve based on the competition that's already ranking for that keyword. It's very easy to follow if you have a basic understanding of on page SEO.
  • SvenSven
    small correction: by default the full compare is popping up when double clicking on a keyword now. It's configurable though.
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    Ah, I have mine set to competitor research (quick) in the settings. I thought that was default, but I guess I must have changed it.
  • SvenSven
    it was default when you used it...I changed that in later versions as I thought its something people would use more.
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