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WIKI Links Posting Feature - Available or Wishlist?

edited March 2013 in Feature Requests
Been using GSA SER for a while, but I don't seem to see a lot of Wiki sites mentioned or scraped.
My question, does this software scrape a lot of wiki links, or is this feature still to be added?

I guess I'm kind of searching for the following features relating to wiki links:
Scrape loads of wiki urls to post articles to.

I know there are a lot of wiki posters out there, but I'd rather have one piece of software doing all of the heavy lifting than have multiple pieces of software.

Feedback appreciated please.


  • SvenSven

    It can do that for you. Just make sure to enable the option "Put URL to places where it is clearly seen as SPAM (e.g. forum posts)." to also post articles.

    Sites are found on it's own.

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