Where to host images for SER articles
in SEREngines
Recently, I had to move all my GSA SER images off the server that hosted them. I had thousands of images I had collected, organized into categories.
Now, I guess my articles that had links have a broken link. That sucks...
So going forward, where should I host my images? Should I get a cheap hosting specifically for them with a different company than where my money sites are located?
You're not allowed to "store" files on some/most of these hosting company's servers; it's explicitly prohibited in the TOS.
These images were also for an on-server CAPTCHA resembling reCAPTCHA V2. So I did have a reason for them being there.
Any ideas about this? Just curious. I'm trying to keep all MS servers within TOS. The hosting company didn't care if I had a use for the files or not. I am pretty sure the files were auto-flagged b/c I kept way too many images in each directory. It seems every directory I did that with on that server was flagged.
But now I have to re-do this, and I guess I want to do it right. Thanks.