Does Have A Dedicated Host, Rather Than Shared Hosting, Affect SERPs?
Hey, all..haven't been on in a while. Been sleeping the shutdown away...
I was wondering: What are the opinions of you guys on shared hosting versus dedicated hosting?
I am guessing this is a signal for Google. I know how sophisticated things are, and G factors in a lot of variables.
Aside from (hopefully) speed improvement, what about a "better address?" Will your MS received better SERP treatment?
I was thinking of it like how a bank will consider a potential loan recipient differently if their address is 5 SkyView Drive in Posh Hills, versus Apartment 15H in LousyLand By The Factories.
Not thinking at all of other websites on a shared server having penalties that affect you. I know G is too intelligent for such simple stuff.
Simply whether shared vs. dedi is any factor, in and of itself. Stay well, all.