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  • odinotodinot Earth's inner core
    any coupon?
  • odinotodinot Earth's inner core
    @Kaine how are you going to differentiate a bot and a human? says if i hire a human uploading it entire day. I could easily hire someone to do it for 8hours a day straight for 150USD a month for their salary.
  • KaineKaine
    edited January 2022
    In this case why not go to a competitor rather than looking for a workaround with us?
    We are already the ones who offer the most.
  • please check your Message i sending request
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    January 31th index crawl: Click here
  • KaineKaine
    edited February 2022
    Search engine crawl report for February 5 : Click Here
    The best indexing service is here. No one can challenge us, we index on 3 search engines and our formulas are unlimited. Best service, best price, 100% whitehat.
    We do not make you take any risk, you can submit your money sites, your PBN's in complete safety!
    Ask for your coupon!
  • KaineKaine
    edited February 2022
    Search engine crawl report for February 5 : Click Here
  • give me  coupon! i go on try
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    give me  coupon! i go on try
    PM sended !
  • KaineKaine
    Search engine crawl report for February 15 : Click Here
  • KaineKaine
    In response to a message that might be of interest to more than one:
    It is better to send the urls only once. When indexing is forced, search engines (especially Google) begin to be wary and delay it more and more.
    When you submit the urls, the search engines know them and choose the ones they want to index, those they refuse will not be taken into account.
    However, linking a lot to links that don't want to index can sometimes make them change their mind...and then send the new backlinks to TheBestIndexer.
    It is more important to understand why one link is indexed and another is not. Often it's content that isn't unique enough, overused, or has syntax errors.
    The domain where the article is posted can be flagged and it will be very difficult to have them accepted by search engines.
    I have already seen flagged money sites which prevented any indexing of backlinks pointing to it...
    Analyze understand and adapt."
    Thanked by 1johnpark
  • KaineKaine
    Search engine crawl report for February 19 : Click Here
  • KaineKaine
    Search engine crawl report for March 11:

  • can I have a coupon please ?
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    Search engine crawl report for April 12: Click Here

  • KaineKaine
    edited April 2022
    Search engine crawl report for April 30: Click Here
  • johnparkjohnpark Australia
    Crawling itself is very difficult these days
    I can say for sure that it is the most cost-effective service
    I recommend it !!
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    Search Engine Crawl Report for May 12: Click Here
  • Hi. I already use your  49$ / month plan. I use WordPress on my websites. How can I check if you really send the bots to crawl the websites? Is there a plugin or a method so I can check it? Thanks
  • KaineKaine
    Do you have doubts ?
    I advise you instead to find out about the Google crawl budget
  • edited May 2022
    I belive you, but i need also to provide proof to my customers,
i sell linkbuilding services and they ask me for proof that their links have been sent to indexing..

as you show in your report:  

How you generate that report?
  • KaineKaine
    We don't use WordPress or plugins, everything was coded by the development team. Everything has been done to work in symbiosis with our indexing engine. Sorry I can't help you, however, there must be something like this for WordPress.
  • i just purchased and uploaded file, will i get any report on something ?
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    anddone said:
    i just purchased and uploaded file, will i get any report on something ?
    Yes, you have the report of the number of urls that were submitted (without duplicates) immediately after submission. The urls are submitted instantly, the engines then choose when they want to crawl the pages.
  • ok got it
    how to get refund ?

    "the engines then choose when they want to crawl the pages." this tells all.

  • KaineKaine
    I think you misunderstood. Please re-read my message. The urls are instantly submitted to search engines that have taken notice of them. Then they come to visit the pages to index the content if it can be indexed. Otherwise yes, you can be refunded if you have not yet submitted but then you will be blacklisted from the best indexing service on the market.
  • Kaine said:
    I think you misunderstood. Please re-read my message. The urls are instantly submitted to search engines that have taken notice of them. Then they come to visit the pages to index the content if it can be indexed. Otherwise yes, you can be refunded if you have not yet submitted but then you will be blacklisted from the best indexing service on the market.
    there is no proof of your service. how it can be best if you can't proof that links where indexed ? you are clearly offering submission for indexing queue service
    will i get any reports that my links where crawled or at last submission to SE report ?

    if none refund me and black list me i don't see anything best or even close to real service. fake site taking money providing that it's submitted and nothing more.

  • KaineKaine
    I don't quite understand the move. You come to insult us directly on our sales thread which is filled with customers who are very satisfied with our services. Is this a joke or are you a competitor in disguise?
  • Kaine said:
    I don't quite understand the move. You come to insult us directly on our sales thread which is filled with customers who are very satisfied with our services. Is this a joke or are you a competitor in disguise?

    i red your "sales thread" and decided to try out, but the result i got, is not related to the responses here. i don't see any reason, why not to tell what i told, i got worse experience possible, replays from creators, that does not provided any real proven answers or prof of service working as told.
  • KaineKaine
    I see, you question the honesty of the members of the forum. In this case I advise you to try another service than ours because we only take care of indexing and no one does it like us. We are the only ones to index everything that is indexable and we do it on Google Bing and Yandex at the same time. Submissions are not queued and all are processed instantly. We are the only ones to offer unlimited services at unbeatable prices.

    What better are you waiting for??? no one does or will do better than us.

    Now I'm a respected member and have been here since the first hour and I won't let you disrespect anyone here either.

    I can understand that you are upset, although this is the reason of your translators, but certainly not of our services.

    We don't do your Seo. We are also not an audit service. We are The Best Indexer, is that clear enough?
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