How to speed up scraping pages
I purchased your software, my first impression is it is easy to manage and understand. Here my first trial results, I have made scraping during 15 hours, with 15 keywords which return at least 10.000.000 results on google. For example keyword is: "mobilya". (So I hope other search engines should have at least 100K results)
I dont use google since I dont have proxies, moroever I can not use YAHOO because it opens a "cookie consent" popup and software can not bypass this (is there any way to paybass this, software can not make search on yahoo because of this usual cookie warninng) I use other 23 international search engines.
So after 15 hours work, inluding the fails it found 4600 pages (it couldnt find contact forms at half of them)
Here my settings screenshot:
Am I doing something wrong. Because after 15 hours of work finding 4600 pages(including pages that does not contain contact form) seems very low to me. Any idea is appreciated.
I dont use google since I dont have proxies, moroever I can not use YAHOO because it opens a "cookie consent" popup and software can not bypass this (is there any way to paybass this, software can not make search on yahoo because of this usual cookie warninng) I use other 23 international search engines.
So after 15 hours work, inluding the fails it found 4600 pages (it couldnt find contact forms at half of them)
Here my settings screenshot:
Am I doing something wrong. Because after 15 hours of work finding 4600 pages(including pages that does not contain contact form) seems very low to me. Any idea is appreciated.
Also I use single IP and selected 10 threads for search BUT I see that it makes searches sequentially. It makes a search on baidu, it waits 3 minutes (although time to wait between search queries is 60 seconds - why he makes like this??-) and makes a search on bing and waits 3 minutes...
Why not it makes a search in parallel on bing and baidu and yandex in parallel and then wait 60 seconds??
I really dont understand why it behaves like this?? Can you explain? Am I missing a point?
If you need I can give VPS details or TeamViewer. I really want problem to be solved. Currently software is very very very underperforming.
I know what I use, I dont use bing only! I use 23 different search engines. But since software makes single search at a time and more over since it does not show above a curent line of log you only see the part that it makes search on BING!
Again I am not using single search engine. BUT It uses single search engine even I set 10 threads. This is why I am writing here for 2 days
ok, I am sending project backup